Bitcoin: Hash-Preimage Construction for a two p2pkh Input transaction?

Building Hash by cutting two pests to check the two song events

In the process of authentication of Bitcoin events, the critical step is to build a hatching refreshment that can be used to create signatures. This process is essential to ensure the integrity and authenticity of events. In this article, we immerse ourselves on a journey where Bitcoin nodes build the hash in two feeds using two Peas Hash methods.

Hash presentation with two tops

Mapping in two creams is a variant of the usual Hash algorithm used in Bitcoin to create signatures. It was introduced as an alternative to the signatures for verification process based on traditional Merkle wood. Two peak hatching methods use hierarchical hash for a key for each event that can then be used to check the signatures.

Hash Building

To build a hatch, we must serialize the private key and public key of each entry. Here is an overview of the steps included:

  • Serialize the private key (“VPS” and the public key (“vp”).

  • Combine these serialized values ​​with a transactionhash (txh).

The resulting chain value is then used as a single Hash entry for two -grater hash algorithm.


Def construction_hash_Preimage (private_key, public_key, txh):

Bitcoin: Hash-Preimage Construction for a two p2pkh Input transaction?

By combining private and public keys including Hash

Crushed = f "{private_key} {public_key} {txh}"

Use the chain value to the entry to two -Pe

Return to hashlib.sha256 (chain.encode ()). Hexdigest ()


  • Double Hash Preparation Built Hash-Prepacation.

When we have a double Hash show has Hash, we need to check that it corresponds to the expected signature for each entry entry.


Def Varmy_Signature (Hash_Preimage, GIS, TXID):

Find the first Syöte directory with the corresponding private key

IDX = Hash_Preimage [: TXID]

Double directory and compare it to the given signature

Double_hash = hashlib.sha256 (idx.encode ()). Hexdigest ()

Return Double_hash == SIG


Certification process

To check the event, Bitcoin nodes reconstruct the hash evidence for each feed by using a built cut function. They then doubled the role model and compare them to the signatures given.


Def Varmy_Transaction (TX):

Rebuilding all the Hash performances of all transaction markings

hashs = {}

For (i, txid), (private_key, public_key) in the list (tx.input):

Hash_Preimage = Construction_hash_Preimage (Private_key, Public_key, Txh [i])

Double model and check it against the signature

Revised = check_signature (Hash_Preimage, TXID, TXID)

If not checked:

Add the value of value ("no -power transaction")

Return True

All Income is reconstructed correctly and certified

` ‘

By following this process, Bitcoin nodes ensure that events are precisely and efficiently validated. The use of Hash with two ointments provides a safe method to create signatures and check the hashs in connection with the Bitcoin conference protocol.


In summary, the construction of Hash performances with Hash Two spikes is a necessary step to ensure the integrity and authenticity of Bitcoin events. By following this process, nodes can rebuild the Hash markings needed to check signatures and to carefully validate the events. This method provides a safe and effective way to manage complex events on the Bitcoin network.

Note : This article assumes that you have basic Bitcoin events that check the protocol and the two album. If you are a new Bitcoin, it is advisable to hear additional resources or seek advice from an experienced developer.


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