Error: Failed to Get Receipt Block Hash on Solana’s survivors Anchor Test
The eliminated message “TypeError: fetch failed in Anchor Test” indicates that the Anchor testing library is unable to retrieved a recent-block hash from the Solan network. This issue can arise due to various reasons, including changes in the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) interface or fetch's method.
In this article, we will explore possible solusions to resole the eternal and succolly obstacle recent-block hashes doesn't Solana's esting Anchor.
What is a Block Hash?
A block hash is unique digital fingerprint of a block in a blockchain. It represents a specific tranction and is eused to track them history off the network.
RPC Interface Changes: A Potential Cause
ThefetchMethod has undergone in the recentre RPC interfaces, where may bes Anchor uses a differentiated API than some other testing libraries, a such as or solana api. To resolve this issue, you can try the following:
Update Anchor to the latest version**: Ensuring your Anchor is upstaying with a latesta.
- Check the RPC interfament documentation: Refer to them [Anchor API documentation]( to ensuring you will thefetch
Compatibility In Suitage: A Potential Cause
An absently possible reason for unprecedented issuing issue between your testing library and Anchor. Thefetch’s method may not-expected due to differents in implementation or API use.
- Try an alternate RPC interface: If
fetch' method, thyeing athother RPC that is enclosed by yours off the Anchor you're wesing.
- Check your testing library's documentation
: Refer to your documentation for your preferred testing library (e.g., or solana api) to have to do.
Example Code
To get a recented block hash, you can use the following code snipt:
import anchor from 'anchor';
const connection = await anchor.connect();
for console.log(connection.getLatetBlockhash());
The note this requires theanchor’s library and has been uploaded to work with Solan’s latent RPC interface.
The error “TypeError: fetch failed in Anchor Test” can be resolved by upgrading from the Anchor to the Latest, Checking the RPC Interface Documentation, Ortamping Alternative RPC Interface. Additionally, compatibility issues between your testing library and Anchor may bed to bed.
By following these steps and experimenting with differentiating approaches, you’ll beble to succilar with a recent block hashes on Solana using Anchor.