Metamask: How to use signer details from ethers.js to sign transactions with

Signing Transactions with Web3.Py and Metamask Wallet using ethers.js

As part of building a decentralized application, it’s common to require users to sign transactions with their metamask wallets. To facility this process, you’ll need to use an external wallet solution like ethereum.js (ethers.js) in conjunction with the popular library.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use metamask details from ethers.js to sign transactions with in your dapp.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

First, ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed:


npm install ethers ethers-web3


Step 2: initialize ethers.js and

Create a New File for your Dapp’s Initialization Code, E.G., App.js:


Const Web3 = Require ('Web3');

Const ethers = Require ('Ethers/Web3');

// initialize ethers.js

Const ethers = New Web3 (New Url ('

Replace Your_project_id with your actual infura project id.

Step 3: Get User’s Metamask Details

To get the user’s metamask details, you’ll need to connect their wallet to ethers.js using the `ethers.connect ()Method. You can use a library like Ethers-Connection to simplify this process:


const ethersconnect = requirement ('ethers-connection');

// Get the User's Metamask Wallet Address and Private Key

ethers.connect ({

Accounts: ['Your_metamask_address'],

}, async (address, privateeke) => {

// use these credentials to sign transactions with later


Replace Your_metamask_address with your actual metamask address.

Step 4: Sign Transactions Using Web3.Py

Now that you have the user’s metamask details, you can use them to sign transactions with Create a New File for your Dapp’s Transaction Processing Code:


Const Web3 = Require ('Web3');

// Get the signed address from ethers.js connection

Async Function Getsigneddress (Address, Privatekey) {

Const Web3Instance = New Web3.Web3 ();

Return await web3Instance.eth.accounts.signTransaction ({

to: address,

Date: '', // You Can Use Your Transaction Details HERE

}, privateeKey)

.then ((signedtx) => signedtx.rawtransaction)

.then ((Signedtxraw) => Signedtx.Rawtransaction);


module.exports = {GetSignedaddress};

This function takes the user’s metamask address and private key as an argument, creates a new web3 instance, signs a transaction with the provided details, and returns the Raw Transaction.

putting it all together

Metamask: How to use signer details from ethers.js to sign transactions with

HERE’S AN example of how you can use these functions in your dapp:


Const App = Require ('./ App');

// initialize ethers.js and

Require ('./ initethers') (ETHERS);

Const {GetSignedaddress} = Require ('./ GetSignedaddress');

module.exports = async (req, res) => {

Const address = 'your_metamask_address';

Const Privatekey = 'Your_private_key';

// Get the Signed Transaction Using Web3.Py and Metamask Details

Const SIGNEDTX = Await App.GETSIGNEDADDRESS (Address, Privatekey);

// Send the signed transaction to ethers.js for verification

ethers.connect ({

Accounts: [Address],

}, async (account) => {

Const txhash = await account.sendtransaction (SIGNEDTX);

console.log (transaction sent to $ {txhash.address});



This example assumes you have soldy initialized the GetSinededdress Function in your Dapp’s Main File (App.js). You can replace Your_metamask_address andyour_private_key with your actual metamask credentials.


Signing transactions with metamask wallets using ethers.js is a straightforward process that leverages for transaction verification. By following these steps, you’ll be able to integrate your dapp with ethereum.js solutions like Web3.

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